Jimii's blog

Keep your hands off the Mouse

2 minute read Published: 2024-07-21

I'm trying to memorize and get used to keeping my hands on the keyboard using various key binding on my Linux setup

This is my reference guide that you can use too

Build a guessing game using Orao VRF

15 minute read Published: 2024-05-20

In this tutorial, we will learn about Verifiable Random Functions by building a guessing game on the Solana blockchain using Orao Network's Random Verifiable Function service.

We will implement the Solana program on-chain, which generates a random number between 0 and 10. We will then build a simple CLI interface to interact with the program. The CLI will prompt the user for a number. After a guess is entered, the program will indicate whether the guess is too low or too high. The game will print a congratulatory message and exit if the guess is correct.

Mint Solana NFT Using Anchor and Metaplex

29 minute read Published: 2023-09-25

In the previous article I showed you how to mint Solana NFT with the Metaplex sdk and the Solana SDK in native Rust.

In this article we will mint our NFt using anchor, which is a Solana program framework. Learn more about anchor in this link

Mint Solana NFT Using Rust & Metaplex SDK

25 minute read Published: 2023-07-25

Solana is a public, permissionless blockchain launched in 2020. It leverages computer hardware for its high throughput and performance. Solana has been the pioneer in cutting-edge innovation leading in the adoption of tech like concurrent Merkle trees, interfaces, token-2022...etc

I briefly talked about some differences between Solana and EVM chains previously and in this article I will take you through the process of minting an NFT using the Rust Solana SDK and the MetapleX SDK.

Build a Simple Backend API Server with Actix and Diesel 1

16 minute read Published: 2023-07-10

In this article we will implement a backend api server for a contacts application that uses Postgres for persistent data storage.

NOTE: I am working on Linux and some of these instructions might not work for Other OSs.

We will use Actix - a powerful and pragmatic web framework, diesel - 'a safe & extensible rust ORM' and Postgres for persistent data storage.