Build a guessing game using Orao VRF

15 minute read Published: 2024-05-20

In this tutorial, we will learn about Verifiable Random Functions by building a guessing game on the Solana blockchain using Orao Network's Random Verifiable Function service.

We will implement the Solana program on-chain, which generates a random number between 0 and 10. We will then build a simple CLI interface to interact with the program. The CLI will prompt the user for a number. After a guess is entered, the program will indicate whether the guess is too low or too high. If the guess is correct, the game will print a congratulatory message and exit.

Note: This tutorial is only meant to show you how you can generate and use a VRF inside your on-chain program.

Use this GitHub to check against your code - Calyptus-Learn/orao-vrf.

Verifiable Random Function

Imagine that you are building a game on the Solana blockchain. Suppose it is similar to what we are going to build, a guessing game, but with a twist that the first person to guess the correct number wins a prize. How would you ensure fairness and transparency when generating the random numbers for the game? Due to the deterministic nature of blockchain, it would be very difficult to do this within your program(smart contract) and rely on a trusted centralized provider, but what if it gets compromised?

In comes, Verifiable Random functions.

A VRF is a function f_s(x) = (y,p) with the property that the output y looks random, but is deterministically computed from the input x and secret key s. Furthermore, the function returns a proof p that anyone can check to verify that y is the correct output.

TLDR; VRFs can be thought of as Random Number generators that can be proven.

How Orao works

Orao works by accepting a client's request (either through the Rust/Typescript SDK or a CPI call from another program), to generate randomness. Once generated, the randomness is sent to each of the authoritative nodes and fulfilled by the on-chain Orao VRF program.

Below is a diagram to demonstrate this process.

Environmental Setup

This tutorial assumes you have already set up your Solana environment with the solana-cli and anchor-cli.

If not,

sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
cargo install --git avm --locked --force

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install -y pkg-config build-essential libudev-dev libssl-dev # for Linux systems only

avm install latest

avm use latest

Confirm proper installation by running

anchor --version && solana --version

# anchor-cli 0.29.0
# solana-cli 1.18.8 (src:9a7dd9ca; feat:3469865029, client:SolanaLabs)

If you face any problems, please raise an issues in the official Solana Stack Exchange and some kind stranger will come to your aide.

Initializing anchor project

Let's get started by creating a new anchor project

anchor init guessing-game

Install the Orao VRF crate with the cpi features

cargo add orao-solana-vrf --features="cpi"

Once initialized, you should have something similar to this,

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;


pub mod orao_vrf {
    use super::*;

    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<Initialize>) -> Result<()> {

pub struct Initialize {}

Don't worry if you encounter the struct takes 0 lifetime arguments error pictured below, it'll go away as soon as we begin adding our accounts.

Lifetime error upon initializing a new anchor project

The orao program is made up of various instructions, of interest to us is the request IX which we shall use to request randomness.

But before that

A quick primer on CPIs

The Solana runtime makes it possible to call instructions/methods on another program. This is made possible by a concept known as Cross Program Invocation or CPI in short, which allows us to make calls across different programs constrained to calls of up to 4 programs deep. It allows the caller program to call an instruction to the callee program with signer and writer privilege being passed between the two of them.

Using the Anchor program, this process is simplified for us by having the CpiContext. CpiContext encapsulates all accounts that we need to interact with when making our CPI calls.

To note, the invoke and invoke_signed methods are used to escalate the signer privileges to the program being called.

Building the Guessing Game

With most of the theory out of the way, we are ready to start building.

To request randomness from the Orao program from our VRF program, we will need to pass in these accounts

Let's get started by renaming our Accounts struct appropriately to GuessingGame and adding the required accounts.

We will use the initialize method to initialize our guessing game, i.e. create the randomness account with a random number that we will have our user guess until he gets it correct.

With these changes, your program should start taking shape and you should have something that looks like this

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

use orao_solana_vrf::{
    program::OraoVrf, state::NetworkState, CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED, RANDOMNESS_ACCOUNT_SEED,

declare_id!("HMDRWmYvL2A9xVKZG8iA1ozxi4gMKiHQz9mFkURKrG4"); // ! UPDATE ME

pub mod guessing_game {
    use super::*;

    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<GuessingGame>, force_seed: [u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {

#[instruction(force_seed: [u8; 32])]
pub struct GuessingGame<'info> {
    pub payer: Signer<'info>,

        seeds = [CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref()],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    pub network_state: Account<'info, NetworkState>,

    /// CHECK:
    pub treasury: AccountInfo<'info>,

    /// CHECK:
        seeds = [RANDOMNESS_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref(), &force_seed],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    pub random: AccountInfo<'info>,

    pub orao_vrf: Program<'info, OraoVrf>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

To note, with the code snippet above, we added the #[instruction(force_seed: [u8; 32])] macro to seed a random number, from a random public key.

Next, we implement the CPI method to make the call to the Orao VRF program's request IX.

Finally let's implement the initialize functions for our contract.

Since the function will be a CPI to an external program, let's implement the CPI call to the Orao VRF program inside an impl block to house the accounts context for the external CPI call to the Orao program,. First import the required libraries and the Orao program Accounts struct, which we have access because of the cpi features flag we used when installing the crate. Make note of the cpi::accounts::Request path as importing the Request Accounts struct directly from the crate won't compile and will class with the existing macro expansions.

use orao_solana_vrf::{
    cpi::accounts::Request, program::OraoVrf, state::NetworkState, CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED,

We can then implement the cpi context method that will call the VRF program within this impl block

impl<'info> GuessingGame<'info> {
    pub fn request_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, Request<'info>> {
        let cpi_program = self.orao_vrf.to_account_info();
        let cpi_accounts = Request {
            payer: self.payer.to_account_info(), // ! because he is paying for thetx
            network_state: self.network_state.to_account_info(),
            treasury: self.treasury.to_account_info(),
            request: self.random.to_account_info(),
            system_program: self.system_program.to_account_info(),

        CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)

Let's call the request function from the initialize IX to generate a random number and assign it to our randomness account

    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<GuessingGame>, force_seed: [u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {
        orao_solana_vrf::cpi::request(ctx.accounts.request_ctx(), force_seed)?;


To call an external IX from our program, we need to add the Account context for that program and pass in any required arguments, which significantly simplifies our work instead of raw dogging our functions by manually passing in the required accounts, instructions and the required data with the invoke and invoke_signed methods.

Your full code should resemble

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;

use orao_solana_vrf::{
    cpi::accounts::Request, program::OraoVrf, state::NetworkState, CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED,

declare_id!("HMDRWmYvL2A9xVKZG8iA1ozxi4gMKiHQz9mFkURKrG4"); // ! UPDATE ME

pub mod guessing_game {
    use super::*;

    pub fn initialize(ctx: Context<GuessingGame>, force_seed: [u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {
        orao_solana_vrf::cpi::request(ctx.accounts.request_ctx(), force_seed)?;


#[instruction(force_seed: [u8; 32])]
pub struct GuessingGame<'info> {
    pub payer: Signer<'info>,

        seeds = [CONFIG_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref()],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    pub network_state: Account<'info, NetworkState>,

    /// CHECK:
    pub treasury: AccountInfo<'info>,

    /// CHECK:
        seeds = [RANDOMNESS_ACCOUNT_SEED.as_ref(), &force_seed],
        seeds::program = orao_solana_vrf::ID
    pub random: AccountInfo<'info>,

    pub orao_vrf: Program<'info, OraoVrf>,
    pub system_program: Program<'info, System>,

impl<'info> GuessingGame<'info> {
    pub fn request_ctx(&self) -> CpiContext<'_, '_, '_, 'info, Request<'info>> {
        let cpi_program = self.orao_vrf.to_account_info();
        let cpi_accounts = Request {
            payer: self.payer.to_account_info(), // ! because he is paying for thetx
            network_state: self.network_state.to_account_info(),
            treasury: self.treasury.to_account_info(),
            request: self.random.to_account_info(),
            system_program: self.system_program.to_account_info(),

        CpiContext::new(cpi_program, cpi_accounts)


We will begin by first writing our typescript tests to check whether everything is working as expected.

To lessen our workload we will also be installing the Orao TS Client. The TS client library from Orao provides methods such as fetching the network config address and the Orao programId instead of having to keep track of these ourselves.

yarn add @orao-network/solana-vrf

Let's take a look at our guessing-game.ts file inside the tests directory. Nothing special happening here. We have one test which is for the initialize IX that we removed earlier. (let's get rid of this test).

The first line below, sets up our Solana test environment, instructing anchor to use the local command-line wallet that we generated when we installed the Solana CLI suite and run solana-keygen new and a keypair file ~/.config/solana/id.json was generated. By default the connection string it will use will be the public API endpoints provided for free. If you face an error such as failed to get recent blockhash: TypeError: fetch failed, you should change this and use a private RPC provider to make the error go away.

The second line is the typescript type interface to interact with our program via the generated IDL.


const program = anchor.workspace.GuessingGame as Program<GuessingGame>;

Let write the test to call the guess IX. We will be interacting with the provider details a lot so let's move it to it's own variable

const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();

We need to generate a random public key for our force_seed. We also need to convert it to a bit array using the toBuffer() methods because our IX expects a slice of u8's.

let force_seed = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate().publicKey.toBuffer();

Next, we instantiate a new class using the Orao client, generate our random account address, and add the VRF Treasury address

const vrf = new Orao(provider);
const random = randomnessAccountAddress(force_seed);
const treasury = new anchor.web3.PublicKey(

Tying it all together, our test will look something like this

describe("orao-vrf", () => {
	// Configure the client to use the local cluster.
	const provider = anchor.AnchorProvider.env();

	const program = anchor.workspace.GuessingGame as Program<GuessingGame>;

	let force_seed = anchor.web3.Keypair.generate().publicKey.toBuffer();

	const vrf = new Orao(provider);
	const random = randomnessAccountAddress(force_seed);

	it("Got a random number from the Orao VRF program!", async () => {
		console.log("is this working");
		const tx = await program.methods
				payer: provider.wallet.publicKey,
				oraoVrf: vrf.programId,
				networkState: networkStateAccountAddress(),
				systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
			.rpc({ skipPreflight: true });

		await vrf.waitFulfilled(force_seed);

When we run our tests, we make a request to the Orao VRF. But we need to fulfil that request and that's where we use the line below

await vrf.waitFulfilled(force_seed);

We get our random number using the line above, which returns a byte array of random numbers.

Let's build and deploy our program on devnet. Update your Anchor.toml provider to use the devnet cluster

cluster = "devnet"
wallet = "~/.config/solana/id.json"

Now, we are ready to build and deploy our program by running

anchor build && anchor deploy

If you happen to encounter the errors below

error: package `solana-program v1.18.10` cannot be built because it requires rustc 1.75.0 or newer, while the currently active rustc version is 1.68.0-dev
Either upgrade to rustc 1.75.0 or newer, or use
cargo update -p solana-program@1.18.10 --precise ver
where `ver` is the latest version of `solana-program` supporting rustc 1.68.0-dev

Fix it by downgrading the tomo_edit using this command

cargo update -p toml_edit@0.21.1 --precise 0.21.0
Error: Deploying program failed: RPC response error -32002: Transaction simulation failed: Error processing Instruction 0: account data too small for instruction [3 log messages]
There was a problem deploying: Output { status: ExitStatus(unix_wait_status(256)), stdout: "", stderr: "" }.

You will need to extend your deployed program account using. Replace INSERT_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_HERE with your program address which you can get using anchor keys list

solana program extend INSERT_PROGRAM_ADDRESS_HERE 20000 -u d -k ~/.config/solana/id.json

The error above occurs on some of the .17 releases because deploying a program with 2X the size was removed. On newer releases you can use the --auto-extend-program flag when deploying the program. Read more in the Merged PR

Finally, you should now have generated your Randomness account running the tests.

anchor test --skip-build --skip-deploy # tells anchor to not build and deploy our program since we did it in the previous step

Let's now work on the guess IX. The workflow will look something like this

  1. read the randomness account to see the random numbers generated
  2. read the user's input from function arguments
  3. print a program log of whether the user guessed the correct number, one too high or one too low from the first element in the random slice

Taking on 1, first, reading an account using anchor is easy. Since anchor handles generating all the borsh boilerplate for us, deserializing account data is trivial and easy to do with using Account types and luckily for us, Orao has already typed this account for use. Let's use it to get the data inside it.

Let's also create a new file where we will put this logic touch Import this module into our file, using the statement pub mod misc

The method below will return the account data or break with an error should the account be empty or not of type Randomness

use anchor_lang::{
    solana_program::{account_info::AccountInfo, program_error::ProgramError},
use orao_solana_vrf::state::Randomness;

pub fn get_account_data(account_info: &AccountInfo) -> Result<Randomness, ProgramError> {
    if account_info.data_is_empty() {
        return Err(ProgramError::UninitializedAccount);

    let account = Randomness::try_deserialize(&mut &[..])?;

    if false {
    } else {

To handle task 2, we will need to adjust our original Accounts context to include the user_guess arguments as without it the generated random account address will not match what we want.

Note: Make sure you update the initialize instruction to include this parameter and pass it in with the client function we created.


#[instruction(user_guess: u64, force_seed: [u8; 32])] // new


Let's write the logic for the guess function. We will use the first element of the slice as our random number because the VRF program generates a slice.

    pub fn guess(ctx: Context<GuessingGame>, user_guess: u64, _force_seed: [u8; 32]) -> Result<()> {
        let account_data = get_account_data(&ctx.accounts.random)?;

        // use the first 8 bytes from the byte slice
        let byte_array: [u8; 8] = account_data.randomness[0..size_of::<u64>()]
        let secret_number = u64::from_le_bytes(byte_array);
        let secret_number = secret_number % 10;

        match user_guess.cmp(&secret_number) {
            Ordering::Less => msg!("Too small!"),
            Ordering::Greater => msg!("Too big!"),
            Ordering::Equal => msg!("You win! {:?}", secret_number),


After deserializing the account data, we fetch the first 8 bytes from the randomness slice and convert that to a u64 number which we compare against the user's guess. We also make sure that the number generated ranges from 0 - 10;

Guess IX client side

Nothing much will change without client code this time, the arguments we pass to our IX methods and the txHash, which we will use to check out our guess on the explorer

it("guesses a random!", async () => {
	let txHash = await program.methods
		.guess(new BN(10), [...force_seed])
			payer: provider.wallet.publicKey,
			oraoVrf: vrf.programId,
			networkState: networkStateAccountAddress(),
			systemProgram: anchor.web3.SystemProgram.programId,
		.rpc({ skipPreflight: true });


When we deploy our program and run our tests, we navigate to the explorer to check if our guess is correct. In my case, the number was larger than the random number generated, guess transaction

using exa to list the files in the working directory


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